Turning Points Apj Abdul Kalam Free Download Pdf

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Apj Abdul kalam 'Turning points' • 1. Abdul kalam TURNING POINTS A JOURNEY THROUGH CHALLENGES • A.P.J. Abdul kalam was the eleventh president of India, from 2002 to 2007. He is a recipient of country’s highest civilian awards, including the Bharat Ratna, and author of several best-selling books. • It was 24 July 2007, the last day of presidency the whole day dwells upon Dr. Kalam's interactions with politicians, scientists, artists, writers, religious heads, legal and judicial communities, non- resident Indians, medical practitioners, farmers, policemen, panchayat presidents, teachers, various associations and institutions.

Turning Points Apj Abdul Kalam Free Download Pdf

WHEN CAN I SING A SONG OF INDIA? • The chapter brings out the fact that Dr. Kalam used to read the letters and emails sent by people from all walks of life and even used to forward the letters to the official concerned for supplementary action which at times yielded fabulous results Here are a few events that lightened my horizon, brought a smile to my lips, taught me lessons and engaged me with the love of my countrymen. • It was like any other day on the ANNA UNIVERSITY campus in Chennai, Dr kalam had to delivered a lecture ‘VISION TO MISSION” and the session got extended for one or two hour. Kalanidhi fell in step with Dr kalam and told some one had been frantically trying to get in touch with him through the day. MY NINTH LECTURE AT ANNA UNIVERSITY • When he entered his room the phone was ringing as he spoke to PM, Atal Bihari Vajpayee, Dr Kalam's life was set for unexpected change. Which changed the course of action of the scientist and academician, Dr.

Kalam, when he was elected as the President of one of the largest democracies in the world. The innocence filled with wisdom of the simple people of my land always gives me the confidence that my country will lead the world to peace and prosperity. • SEVEN TURNING POINTS OF MY LIFE 1. The first turning point in Kalam's life was in 1961, He was a chief designer of a hovercraft as a senior scientific assistant at the Aeronautical development establishment (ADE). He was appointed as a rocket engineer at a newly formed ISRO in 1962 2. The second turning point was entry into India’s missile progremme in 1982, he was offered me a position as the director of the Defence Research and Development Laboratory (DRDL) in HYDRABAD • 3. In July 1992, He took over as the scientific adviser to the Defence minister and secretary, Department of Defence Research and Development, from Arunachalam.

This was the third turning point 4. The fourth turning point was the nuclear tests in 1998. Dr kalam in the year rejected the invitation to be in the Cabinet minister list, The general opinion was that since he was fully involved in two missions of national importance he should not enter the political system • 5.

The fifth turning point was towards the end of 1999, When he was appointed principal scientific adviser (PSA) to the government of India in the rank of Cabinet minister. On 30 September 2001 a crash took place while landing at Bokaro Steel plant in Jharkhand when he was going to address audiences Dr kalam shared a Hymn on courage COURAGE Courage to think different Courage to invent, Courage to travel on an unexplored path, Courage to discover the impossible, Courage to combat the problems and succeed are the unique qualities of youth.

As a youth of my nation, I will work and work with courage to achieve success in all the missions • 6. After about two years as PSA he returned to his academic pursuit at Anna university as professor of technology for Societal Transformation for giving priority to the programmes of India 2020 mission like PURA ( providing Urban amenities in Rural Areas ) 7. At the end of his political tenure as a president every one was asking for the second term but he took a conscious decision to go back to a career In academics and research and continue to work with passion for transforming India into an economically developed nation by the year 2020. • THE INTERACTIVE PRESIDENT The presidency became a platform to launch India 2020 which he believe can only be achieved by the participation of all citizens including elected representatives all the way up to parliament, administrators, artists and writers, and youth of the country for this Dr kalam has taken various steps:- • 1. He initiate G2G e-governance operations in rashtrapati bhavan in which everyone was connected to prime minister’s office over a secured messaging network with digital signature. Second he invited members of parliament of every state and union territories to get first hand knowledge about the status of development there. He look for the problems why the court cases was pending in the courts this was because an inadequate number of cases, inadequate number of judicial officers, the role of administrative staff etc.