Spisok Perepisi Naseleniya Drevnej Rusi V Epohu Ivana Groznogo

• 19 Febuary 2019 Reasearch: 'Please participate in the survey about emotional intelligence of hitchhikers if you haven´t done it yet.' Check • 1st - 24th December 2016 There is an advent calender on tramprennen.org. One story about 'first time-hitchhiking-experiences' is published everyday. Check • 15 November 2016 The first app ever published by Hitchwiki is now available for free (as always) on the Play Store.
Daily 0.5 -zapiski-puteshestviya-doktora-i-akademii-nauk-adyunkta-ivana-lepehina-po.
Soplo lavalya svoimi rukami. Download it and keep track of the spots where you hitchhike, your waiting times and so on. In a future version the app will offer you an option to sync your hitching spots with Hitchwiki with no extra work. Special thanks to a random guy who gave an Android phone to one of our hitchhiking developers while traveling in Sweden!
• 25 June 2016 A new official hitchhiking spot in the town of, in response to the insufficient public transport to. In addition a was created to encourage ridesharing on this route.