Nihongo 500 Mon Beginner Pdf

Find great deals for Shin Nihongo 500 Mon JLPT N3 Grammar Kanji Vocabulary Drill Japan. Minna No Nihongo - Beginner Elementary Level 2 2nd Edition CD Japanese. Nihongo 500 mon - beginner The book builds on the Minna no Nihongo series and teaches a total of 55 new grammar structures You finished a beginner level Japanese textbook like Minna.
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I’ve written a review of the Nihongo Sou Matome series of books for the. This series promises to help you become better prepared for the JLPT. I’ve been through many of the books for different levels and I can tell you which ones are worth your time. What is Nihongo Sou Matome? Nihongo Sou Matome is a series of books that each focus on a different aspect of Japanese study. Reading, Grammar, Vocabulary, Kanji, and Listening. There are different levels available that match the levels of the JLPT.
N5 through N1. Should I use the Nihongo Sou Matome books? If you’re just getting started studying for the JLPT, then I do recommend trying this series to help you become familiar with the material you will see on the test. Even though the animal covers are very identifiable and cute, you don’t have to collect them all! In fact, it’s better if you don’t get them all because you might have a hard time focusing on so many books.
Choose 1 or 2 and make an effort to study them every day. Nihongo Sou Matome Reading All levels can appreciate the reading books. I find them to be full of useful formats and vocabulary similar to the real JLPT. Advanced users will probably want to start looking at the “” series of books when it comes to reading comprehension.
Preview Nihongo Sou Matome Grammar I cannot really recommend the grammar books of this series because the translations of example sentences and explanations are really poor in English sometimes. I think N5 or N4 levels could be all right with these books, but definitely, choose a different grammar book for N3 and above.
Preview Nihongo Sou Matome Vocabulary Preview For the earlier JLPT levels, the vocabulary books are really well laid out with different themes in each section. I enjoyed going through these when I did N3 and N4. When you get to N1 level, I think the book ends up being just a big vocabulary list and very dry, so I can’t recommend the vocabulary book for the higher levels. Nihongo Sou Matome Kanji For beginners, I think the kanji book is good for practice, but I think you can get more practice by learning words that use kanji in context from learning vocabulary or reading. I didn’t see much of a need for this particular book. Nihongo Sou Matome Listening The listening books are really nice regardless of level. I highly recommend them for becoming familiar with the patterns used in the listening test.
Even if you have confidence in your listening ability doesn’t mean you’ll be ready for the tricky questions that will be thrown at you. Get this one. My recommended books for each level For beginners (N5-N3) The books that will help beginners the most are the Reading, Vocabulary, and Listening books. If you’re on a budget, look at a sample online or in a bookstore. I think it’s better to have one book for reading (vocabulary OR reading) and one for listening. For Intermediate to Advanced (N2-N1) The only book I recommend for higher level learners from Nihongo Sou Matome is the listening.