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Re: The most disturbing movie list!!!!! I'm gonna have to agree with you on the Salo being number one. Any movie with rape in general is disgusting but child abuse is the worst. I deleted that movie actually. I fail to see why Hostel is on here, it was nothing compared to some of the original video nasties. Philosophy of a Knife was pretty bad also because it was based on Unit 731 I think. August Underground I think has lost it's luster.

Some of the other Toetag Pictures films are good though. The Murder Collection Volume 1, Murder Set Pieces. Re: The most disturbing movie list!!!!!

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There must be something wrong with me. Whenever I've seen one of these 'most disturbing movie' lists, it makes me want to see all of them. Of course, one person's disturbing is another person's 'meh', so there will always be quibbling about the contents of these lists.

And there's the issue of what makes something disturbing - is it the graphic-ness of the content or the psychological impact (which requires a level of skill in the filmmaking)? The OP's list is ok. No arguments about #1 - Salo would be my top pick as well. A rare combination of unwatchably horrific content put together by a truly skilled filmmaker. Cannibal Holocaust and Irreversible are good picks as well. I agree with Men Behind the Sun too. The only pick that baffles me is Repo.

I liked it, but it was so stylized and silly I don't see how it be taken as truly disturbing. Philosophy of a Knife bored me - maybe it would've been better for the filmmakers to work on making a movie of normal length. Not a fan of the Toetag movies.

Too poorly made for them to disturb me, and also boring (just how much footage of nothing but torture and murder can you sit through?). Here are a few additions I can throw out there: A Serbian Film (2010) - As this gets more widely seen with more time, I think it will become of mainstay of these lists.

Though I think it hurt itself by going a little too over-the-top, it's disturbing-ness is jaw-dropping. And like Salo, it's actually a well-made movie which builds up slowly to the really nasty stuff. Make sure you see the uncut version though (a lot of countries are censoring, if not outright banning, this). Though that's what torrenting is made for:) Guinea Pig series (1985-1988) Another infamous 'nasty', though like the Toetag movies I wasn't a huge fan (since it's nothing but torture and murder). The first two are the one's that mostly make the reputation of the series: Devil's Experiment and Flower of Flesh and Blood. The SFX are quite good. This series got a bit of infamy when Charlie Sheen watched it, thought it was a real snuff movie, and got the FBI investigating.

Naked Blood (1996) - This one is good though. Hisayasu Sato is a fascinating underground Japanese director, and this is probably his most notorious movie. It has the graphic-ness of the Guinea Pig movies, but pairs it with an interesting story and trippy style. Nekromantik (1987) - Jorg Buttgereit has made a few movies that could make these lists. I'll go with his 1st feature though. His movies have kind of an art-house vibe to them, despite the awful content.

I find them captivating, in their own sick way. In a Glass Cage (1987) - I think this is a legitimately great movie.

It's actually pretty restrained as far as graphic details are concerned - but really disturbing. In the current newer wave of horror, there have been a few movies that rank high for disturbing-ness. I found a lot of them to not live up to the hype (like Hostel and Human Centipede). But some did for me - like Inside and Martyrs. There are lots more movies to consider (and I'm sure I'm overlooking some great ones) but I'll leave it at that for now. And I haven't even gotten to good disturbing movies that are more mainstream.