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Claude Eastman, is a composer and conductor. He is married to Daniella, who is half his age. While away on a trip he told his Italian driver, Giuseppe, to tell his friend Norman to keep an eye on her, or take care of her.
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But his english is not too good, so Norman thought he was saying that Claude wanted him to hire a private eye to keep tabs on her. Which he did. Claude tells him that it's ok but the man Norman hired gives him his report and it says something happened while he was away. Claude, of course, tells him to throw it away but after Norman leaves, Claude tries to retrieve it and tries to read it but Daniella's there, when Giuseppe destoys it, he goes to the man Norman hired to get a copy. He tells Claude that a man went into his apartment while he was away and left at an unusual hour, and that he also has a video. Claude tells him to destroy it but shortly after leaving returns so that he can watch it. Now the video's a little fuzzy but clearly he can see that the man wears.
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Dec 06, 1948 Directed by Preston Sturges. With Rex Harrison, Linda Darnell, Rudy Vallee, Barbara Lawrence. Sir Alfred De Carter suspects his wife of infidelity. While conducting a symphony orchestra, he imagines three different ways of dealing with the situation. When the concert ends, he tries acting out his fantasies, but things do not go as well in reality as they did in his imagination. UNFAITHFULLY YOURS trailer. Usage Public Domain Mark 1.0. Topics movie trailers, screwball comedies. DOWNLOAD OPTIONS download 1 file. TORRENT download. Download 11 Files download 5 Original. IN COLLECTIONS. Picfixer Movie Trailer Collection. Movie Trailers. Uploaded by picfixer on November 23, 2013.
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