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The European court of justice and the European atomic energy Agency This article analyzes the practice of the Court of Justice of the European Union in the field of peaceful uses of nuclear energy - the scope of activities of the European Atomic Energy Agency (Euratom). The author describes the main cases handled by the judicial institution of the Union for more than half a century of the existence of Euratom. In addition the author makes an attempt to highlight the key features of the Court of Justice of the European Union while dealing with this category of cases both in the direct and prejudicial jurisdiction. The features of legal support and legal regulation of the activity of integration type international organizations The submitted article reveals the essence of the concept «integration law» as an element of international integration, and considers the relationship of the «integration» and «supranational» law. The problem under discussion is analyzed primarily from the point of view of a complex combination of the general theory of law and the theory of international law. Activities of such organizations as the Eurasian Economic Union and the European Union characterize integration tendencies of social development. This has caused the need to develop unified approaches to legal regulation of the designated legal relationship which are more and more often qualified as integration, and the regulatory base is determined as «the integration law», it is also observed in documents of the bodies of these organizations.


This, in turn, causes the need to qualify the mechanism of legal regulation and the status of legal phenomena, in particular the possibility to form autonomous legal systems, laws and orders. General characteristics and activities of the Institute of Financial Commissioner in foreign legal systems and the perspectives for its use in the Russian Federation International practice for the protection of the rights of the consumers of financial services shows that financial institutions such as the Commissioner or Ombudsman play an important role not only for the consumers of financial services, but also have great significance for the participants of the entire state financial system.

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