Samsung Bu File Viewer

What is a BU file? Bu file extension has Samsung CCTV Video file type, developed by Samsung, which is associated with the 'video files' category. These are video files captured with a Samsung DVR, closed circuit television capturing system.
BU format is patented by Samsung to store surveillance video and can be viewed on Samsung devices that have specific Samsung software for video playback. BU files are always accompanied by corresponding.DB2 files that store information about the BU files. DB2 files do not require much space, while BU files can be several megabytes in size. To learn how you can open the given file, read the information below. Developer: Samsung File Type: Samsung CCTV Video File Category: Format: N/A How to open BU file? Double click the bu file to open it.
In order to open BU file download one of the software. Kotok am sigish today. File type: Samsung CCTV Video File; Developer: Samsung. Samsung SmartViewer.

The file will open automatically if file associations have been correctly installed and there is a proper program on your computer; if not, file associations may be corrupted and your OS either cannot find the proper program, or you might not have one for opening the file. First, we recommend downloading our utility to fix file association errors; then, you can download any program for opening the.bu extension from the ones suggested below. If you are certain there is nothing wrong with the file associations, you may proceed to method 2 right away; besides, if you can't make up your mind when choosing the right program, use Universal File Viewer from the last method.