Rusifikator Teksta Dlya Starcraft Brood War

Contents • • • • • • • • Overview [ ] Nick ' Testie' Perentesis is a retired Canadian StarCraft player that was a part of MYM. - Meet Your Makers. Testie played Random during his days playing StarCraft Brood War. Testie was known for being an accomplished player despite having relatively low. Drajver yarkosti ekrana noutbuka asus. Biography [ ] Facts [ ] • There is a Korean Terran player known under the same nickname (Testie). They are often confused with each other, particularly when seen in replays. • In 2007, Testie was invited by to join their proteam, but ultimately chose not to.
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• Testie now is a very prominent and high-ranked DotA and HoN player. • Was MVP in for GosuGamers. Achievements [ ].