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Aug 7, 2010 - Is Less More? A Reinvention of Realism in Raymond Carver's Minimalist Short Story. Carver's They're Not your Husband John Magee.
Raymond Carver Memorial in Clatskanie, Oregon Carver was nominated for the National Book Award and the for his third major-press collection, Cathedral (1984), the volume generally perceived as his best. Included in the collection are the award-winning stories 'A Small, Good Thing', and 'Where I'm Calling From'. Selected the latter for inclusion in The Best American Short Stories of the Century.
For his part, Carver perceived Cathedral as a watershed in his career for its shift toward a more optimistic and confidently poetic style amid the diminution of Lish's literary influence. Carver won five O. Henry Awards with 'Are These Actual Miles' (originally titled 'What Is It?' ) (1972), 'Put Yourself in My Shoes' (1974), 'Are You A Doctor?' (1975), 'A Small, Good Thing' (1983), and 'Errand' (1988). [ ] In Carver's birth town of Clatskanie, Oregon, a memorial park and statue are at the corner of Lillich and Nehalem Streets, across from the library.
A block away is the building where Carver was born. [ ] Legacy and posthumous publications [ ] In December 2006, Gallagher published an essay in, titled 'Instead of Dying', about alcoholism and Carver's having maintained his sobriety.
The essay is an adaptation of a talk she initially delivered at the Welsh Academy's Academi Intoxication Conference in 2006. The first lines read: 'Instead of dying from alcohol, Raymond Carver chose to live. I would meet him five months after this choice, so I never knew the Ray who drank, except by report and through the characters and actions of his stories and poems.' Chuck Kinder's Honeymooners: A Cautionary Tale (2001) is a about his friendship with Carver in the 1970s. Carver's high school sweetheart and first wife, Maryann Burk Carver, wrote a memoir of her years with Carver, What it Used to be Like: A Portrait of My Marriage to Raymond Carver (2006). In 2009, The New York Times Book Review and San Francisco Chronicle named Carol Sklenicka's unauthorized biography, Raymond Carver: A Writer's Life (2009), published by Scribner, one of the Best Ten Books of that year; and the San Francisco Chronicle deemed it: 'exhaustively researched and definitive biography'. Carver's widow, Tess Gallagher, refused to engage with Sklenicka.
His final (incomplete) collection of seven stories, titled Elephant in Britain (included in 'Where I'm Calling From') was composed in the five years before his death. The nature of these stories, especially 'Errand', have led to some speculation that Carver was preparing to write a novel. [ ] Only one piece of this work has survived – the fragment 'The Augustine Notebooks', first printed in No Heroics, Please. [ ] Tess Gallagher fought with Knopf for permission to republish the stories in as they were originally written by Carver, as opposed to the heavily edited and altered versions that appeared in 1981 under the editorship of Gordon Lish.
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