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Just wanted to give you a quick heads up that we've recently spun out a collection of (from our larger, more diverse collection of ). Right now, you will find 110 classic works on the new list -- foundational texts written by Aristotle, Descartes, Hegel and Kant, not to mention Kierkegaard, Wittgenstein and Nietzsche, too. The list will keep growing at a steady clip. But if you see any crucial texts missing, please let us know, and we will try to get them added ASAP.
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Of course, we're looking for works in the public domain. You can generally download the to your Kindle, iPad, iPhone and other devices. (Kindle users can use to files onto their devices.) Or, in most cases, we give you the option to read the books in your web browser. Take your pick. As a quick last note, you might want to complement the with our big list of.
The two collections go hand in hand. Follow us on, and and share intelligent media with your friends. Or better yet, and get a daily dose of Open Culture in your inbox. Related Content.